Seed and Feed - Perth

Office Number: 0432240860

Mobile Number: 0407724380

Oakford WA 6121, Australia

Seed & Feed Perth
Seed & Feed Perth established in 2019, a small local business to Oakford supplying our horse community with products to establish horse properties. We supply an Eco-Pasture blend of fertiliser suitable for Spring and Autumn, as well as a fantastic range of products that we can order through Eco-Growth Australia as well as a huge range of Seeds, kikuyu and Souwest Pasture being our most popular.
We stock.
๐ Eco-Pasture Spring Fertiliser
๐ Eco-Pasture Autumn Fertiliser
๐ Souwest Pasture Mix
๐ EcoWest
๐ Eco- Vital
๐ Kikuyu Seed
๐ General Stock items
We offer a FREE DELIVERY service on all orders around the Oakford and surrounding areas as well as a pick up. Happy to discuss delivery outside of our areas also.
Eco-Pasture Spring blend focuses on complete nutrition including Nitrogen, Potassium and Carbon to stimulate rapid vegetative growth for strong forage/pasture development and hay production.
Volcanic minerals form the foundation of soil, which combined with Eco Advanceยฎ microbial inoculation, add a further dimension of soil building and health. The volcanic silicate minerals in Eco-Pasture Spring also provides key trace minerals essential for stock health and well-being while ensuring good pasture palatability. The silicates also assist in building plant structural strength โ improving the robustness of the new spring growth and reducing plant susceptibility to damage.
Fertiliser that provides balanced nutrition is now widely recognised as essential to soil, plant and human health. Eco Growth has proven that by working with nature's beneficial microbes and organisms in combination with our custom blending technology and can naturally and sustainably improve nutrient availability, soil structure, disease resistance and buffering capacity.
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